Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sweet and Creamy Hot Coconut Milk… and a book!

These days, I always have a large pile of books collected in a to-read pile. The problem is that when I finish one book, I get so excited about starting a new book that I buy three more to replace the one I finished so the pile never gets any smaller.
My dad gave me the book ‘Wolf Hall’ by Hilary Mantel a few years ago. In the beginning of March, when I discovered that PBS would be airing a Wolf Hall series, I knew that I had to start and finish the book before the series aired. Setting the other book I was reading aside I started Wolf Hall… Today, after filling my Big Ben mug (to keep with the London theme…) with some sweet & creamy coconut milk that I just brewed I am ready to finish the last 30 pages a full two days before the series airs, phew! Here is how to make a cup of creamy coconut milk for yourself:

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Paleo / AIP Strawberry Banana Coconut ‘Ice Cream’

I am doing a happy dance today! I have been gluten free and dairy free since Jan 1st 2015 without exception. Currently I am in day 20 of a more strict diet known as The Autoimmune Protocol (or AIP for short). While I can feel the improvements more and more each day it is always good to have medical reassurance that I am on the right path and today at my appointment my doctor could see huge improvements too!
I am going to celebrate with a little AIP Treat: Strawberry Banana Coconut ‘Ice Cream’. Here is what you need to make it: